May 2, 2023

Why Treating Your Business as a Long-Term Investment is Key to Success

As a photographer and entrepreneur, it’s easy to get in our heads about investing in our business. We might feel at times like it’s a risk and fear if it’ll all work out. However, if we can flip the script and see our business more from a CEO perspective, everything changes.

Investing in your business is crucial to its success, but it’s not just about how much money you put into it. What’s important is that the investment feels like a stretch for you, and that you feel connected to the mentor or resource you’re investing in.

For me, once I started viewing my business as a long-term investment, any investment became a no-brainer. I had a deep understanding that investing in my business was not a quick fix but a long-term investment for the future. There was no doubt that I’d receive a return on my investments beyond the original investment.



Over the years, I’ve invested in several mentors, ranging from $3,000 to $15,000. Each investment was valuable in its own way, and each helped me to grow and improve my business.

But it’s not just about investing money. It’s about investing time, energy, and resources into your business. It’s about committing to your business’s long-term success and doing whatever it takes to make it happen.

One thing that has helped me is to follow the signs around me. The universe is always guiding us to the right people and places. Whether it’s a mentor, a new opportunity, or a chance encounter, pay attention to the signs and trust that they’re leading you in the right direction.




Treating your business as a long-term investment is key to its success. It’s not just about how much money you invest, but also about investing time, energy, and resources into your business. When you view your business as a long-term investment, any investment becomes a no-brainer, and you’ll enjoy the journey along the way. Trust the signs around you and commit to your business’s long-term success, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.

If you desire to learn how to make more in your business, my 1:1 mentorship is a great option for you. Message me here to get started.


If you’re a photographer and you want to learn more, my course MASTERY has everything you need to excel in your business and in your craft. Click here to learn more!

Follow me on Instagram for more educational and fun content: @thesoulfulphotographer