May 16, 2023

Trusting the Universe: A Guide to Investing in Yourself as an Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, you may have heard the phrase “trust the process” or “trust the universe” thrown around. While it may sound like a cliché, it’s something that can truly make a difference in your business journey. I’ve been on this entrepreneurial journey for more than 6 years. Here are some of the lessons on my journey.


1. The Universe/God is Guiding You

The universe always leads us to the right people, the right courses, the right rooms where we are called forth to grow and expand. There are no coincidences. It’s divine guidance. Trust it.

It’s up to us to trust that these opportunities are leading us in the right direction, even if it doesn’t make sense at the time. When we trust in the universe’s plan, we open ourselves up to opportunities that we may have never discovered otherwise.


2. Fear and Discomfort Mean You’re on the Right Track

If you’re feeling fear or discomfort around investing, it’s because you’re playing at the edge of your expansion. If it felt easy, it wouldn’t be the right move.

Investing in yourself as an entrepreneur can be scary, and it’s natural to feel fear or discomfort when taking the next big step. However, it’s important to remember that if it felt easy, it wouldn’t be the right move. Embracing this discomfort and taking the leap can lead to incredible growth and success.


3. Invest in Yourself, But Find a Balance

You don’t need to invest to the point of feeling unsafe. However, when you invest and it feels like a stretch, it’s a good indicator that you’ll grow and reap massive benefits.

Investing in yourself is crucial for growth and success, but it’s important to find a balance. You don’t need to invest to the point of feeling unsafe or putting yourself in financial trouble. However, when you invest in yourself and it feels like a stretch, it’s often a good sign that you’re on the right track. The key is to find the right balance between investing enough to grow and not overextending yourself.


4. Time is Valuable, Seek Help

Lastly, money comes and goes. Time doesn’t. Time spent figuring it out on your own is time that could have been spent learning from someone who’s already climbed that mountain you’re on, shaving years off your journey.

Money comes and goes, but time doesn’t. Seeking help from experienced individuals can shave years off your journey and lead to greater success.




As an entrepreneur, it’s important to trust in the universe’s guidance, embrace fear and discomfort, find a balance when investing in yourself, and seek help from experienced individuals. Trusting in yourself and the universe’s plan can lead to incredible growth and success. So, trust your intuition and take the next big step – the universe has a plan for you.

If you desire to learn how to make more in your business, my 1:1 mentorship is a great option for you. Message me here to get started.

If you’re a photographer and you want to learn more, my course MASTERY has everything you need to excel in your business and in your craft. Click here to learn more!

Follow me on Instagram  for more educational and fun content: @thesoulfulphotographer