It is OUR time.
It is time for us to reap the benefit of all the hard work of the strong women before us.
It is OUR time.
It is time for us to bring out the strength, the courage and the wild woman inside us.
Life begins with us.
In our womb our babies grow, and with nourishment from our breasts our babies thrive.
Let us break the norm and reveal to the world what we are made of.
Let us uncover our breasts and show the world what our babies are receiving.
Love in liquid form flows from us into our children.
We are the tree of life and we will stand our ground.
No more hiding our breasts for the sake of sleepwalkers.
We are awake and it is our time.
It is our time to take up the space we deserve.
To breastfeed our children wherever we wish,
However we wish, and for as many years as we wish.
We will no longer cover our bodies and babies.
We are in year 2018 and we are done with the old ways.
No more hiding. No more making ourselves smaller.
It is our time. It is our time to step into our power.
Ladies, the world is ready and so are you.
With love,